Rediscovering Balance: Ayurveda And Me

Born in India, soaked in the rich culture and heritage with a deep love for writing and sort of an ambivert, I have always felt a spiritual pull guiding my life. From a young age, becoming a doctor and being a healer were my top goals and dreams, and through...

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Mind-Our Biggest Tool

Positive Mental Attitude, I am sure you all have heard of these three words bundled up together. As the name suggests, it implies we all should always be positive, optimistic with buoyant spirits, and try to find the best in every situation. Kind of tough at times but what I...

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**Not a preacher, nor a teacher either!   I just try to share my personal day to day experiences loaded with meaningful lessons with all of you. I guess God has been immensely gracious to me that I am able to express myself through the power of words! Not a...

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So much going on in the world! Some are fearful, some in panic mode, and some absolutely calm. It’s all an individual’s perspective, how to deal with unwarranted situations. As responsible adults, the least we can offer to one’s suffering is to be compassionate and let them heal at their...

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Life is a Canvas

Love Thursday’s- get to share my thoughts with the world! Our universe is telling us to share positive affirmations, shift our vibrations, twist our energy, impart immense love, focus on radiance and above all heal the past wounds! We owe it to ourselves and the cosmic nature surrounding us to...

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The Real You

Reality check: We all are in this together, attempting hard to be in sync. Globally we all are affected equally by this pandemic. Distant from each other yet close via technology, so a big thanks to all the techies who helped us achieve all these fancy goodies. In spite of...

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Quarantined Birthday Wish

Adversity strikes, we all panic, break into jitters, and see darkness all over! Uproar and whirlwinds of life shake us, we get blown away to the distant not knowing where we will land. We feel that the universe is conspiring against us, all is twirling in the other direction that...

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The Raw You

Alone again? How do you enjoy walking all by yourself? Pensive, all okay? What’s going on in your mind? I hear this all the time. Am I a loner who handles solitude well? Not sure! I think I am a people person, I make friends very easily leaving myself awestruck...

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Memories Unplugged

Growing up, memories unfold. Early morning hush, I remember mom’s hot sizzling chai, Parle G cookies, (not cookies as the new-gen calls them now), crisp and crusty toast smeared with Amul butter, getting ready for school, backpack on the shoulder, and rushing out to the bus stop to catch the...

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I believe in the faith and sanctity of all religions, love of God is immeasurable and boundless, so let’s all wish for a brighter tomorrow and fill up our lives with infinite blessings! NaMāste #theboldwithinme Love, peace, and blessings!

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Karmic Bank

** A dear friend of mine asked me to write something on karma and some aspects related to it four years back. Thankful to her for giving me a very tough topic for which I really had to put my thoughts together to express my views. I have personally been...

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What is Love After All?

Love, the most used word, rather is the most misused word nowadays! I wonder if love is an exchange of energy, transfer of vibrations, investing in emotions, or just a mere word that we have scripted in our sub-conscience dictionary. An emotion that has intense depth in it but has...

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Dr. Maya Angelou- A Legend

Dr. Maya Angelou- A legend! Dr. Maya Angelou is one of my favorite writer, poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, her boldness and candid persona have left a very deep mark on my heart! When she spoke the world listened to her in awe! Born on April 4th, 1928 Died...

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Timeless Soul

2020 was one of the most anticipated decades for a lot of us, we all were eagerly waiting for it, however, it made its ingress with news of family members, relatives, young friends, celebrities passing away at different times. This downpour somehow does not want to cease and seems that...

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Who am I?

As a child my ears always caught on to comments about myself, she is too deep, very profound, empathetic and an avid thinker. I always thought I was a bit different from others, one second I was a chatterbox and the next second was like a mum monk. Growing up...

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Hello world, I am really thankful to all my well-wishers, family, and friends who always encourage me to share my thoughts with you all. Today was one of those days when I was contemplating what to post as my mind was wandering in different directions, the trick being to acknowledge,...

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Your Zen

Why would you give the reigns of your life to others? Define yourself. Identify yourself. Tag yourself. Stamp yourself. After all, there is only one unique you, don’t let it burn away, keep the flame glowing.   Do not crumble like paper, shrivel like the dry leaves, drain away like...

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Often times we try to be someone else which is not our true personality. We try to emulate others for all the wrong reasons in an attempt to fit in. Well, it doesn’t work that way in real life. The more you try to do that the more you will...

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I was never a bold person. Extroverted yes, talkative yes, in fact, I was called a chatterbox in all my school years, made friends very easily and I assumed that it was enough to survive in this world where being real is considered as being a screwball and a flipped...

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Dear all, *** No sermons but merely sharing what steps I took/ taking to be a happier ME! If my experiences can help someone, I will be very comforted and be in a gratifying space in life. We all have invested tons of hours, loads of money, blood, and sweat...

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Detachment 2- alagáva

Detachment- What is it after all? ***I sure have come a long way from the last three years. Lots have changed, pages and chapters have turned in my book, transformative phase in the pipeline. Rephrasing my experience with detachment and sharing it with you in a very candid way. I...

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The Sweet Devil in Me!

7:30 pm, dinner is done, dishwasher loaded, floor mopped, air freshener sprayed. The sign is up- Kitchen Closed! Time for my evening walk, jacket, leggings, and headsets on top of my head. Calories screaming on top of their voice, please burn me, I can’t face myself in the mirror, help...

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Eyes- aankhèn

Look into one’s eyes, the truth coupled with emotions will splash out. You may have a disguised smile, bluffed words- but your eyes will convey it all in black and white. It may take a while and maybe a long drudging process; however, it ultimately prevails, it will always be...

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My TrÍBe- My Energy

That’s my tribe, my squad! How often have you heard this comment? I have a million times. I have used it myself personally, not knowing what it implied in the literal sense. Well, let’s define a tribe in simple words. My people, my sense of camaraderie, my buddy’s, and someone...

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Boundaries-Yes or No?

Boundaries-Yes or No? Boundaries, something I have always struggled with especially on the personal front. Never understood when and where to draw the fine line. However, with the passage of time, now I strongly believe to do so as it keeps the essence of any relationship crisp and fresh. Weak...

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I am not a difficult woman at all. I am simply a strong woman and know my worth- Anonymous I absolutely love my lunch or coffee dates with my teenage daughter. Her wit, humor, and nitty-gritty questions amuse me. I often wonder how a sixteen-year-old can be so observant and...

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Quote Cáfe- The Mosaic Medley

Quote Cafe- The Mosaic Medley Life is a mosaic of laughter, sorrow, pleasure, and pain. Each piece is like an unsolved mystery, angulated with smooth and rough edges. Pick each piece with love, grace, and poise. Fit into the missing puzzle of your soul, assemble the shards, and embrace the solitude....

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Quote Cáfe- MuKti

Freedom- MuḰti Freedom, in any case, is only possible by constantly struggling for it as quoted by Albert Einstein. Freedom- MUḰTI, we all need it! No shackles. No bondage. No constraints. Stay right there. Freedom is hard-earned. Seize the moment. Hold tight and do not let anyone ever snatch that...

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Quote Cáfe- Quiet Reminders

Quote Cáfe- Quiet Reminders Simple yet powerful daily reminders that we often forget. Do take a look at your beautiful self. Respect your inner core, take care of your emotions, and be composed of your thoughts. Make yourself a PRIORITY!  Things may be haywire, all over the place, but remember there...

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Quote Cáfe- The Storm in Her

Quote Cáfe 1994- Twenty-six years back, I was a medical intern in a doctor’s office in Fremont. Long hours, the day was finally over, and I was all set to leave and go home. The phone rings, a fumbled female voice, on the other side, requests an emergency appointment and...

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Quote Cáfe-Validate SATýAPIT

Quote Cáfe  Adapt. Learn. Unlearn Secret of life- Accept yourself. Now, this was a very hard one for me. I was constantly running around like a wild goose, sweltering, sweating bullets with no results. Turning Point- When I took the responsibility for my own life. I grabbed the bull by...

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Quote Cáfe-Thankful Shukrána

Quote Cáfe Good morning world, There is always something to be thankful and grateful for in our life- we have heard that enough, right? Thankful to God. The universe. Family. Friends. Nature. All the materialistic worldly trinkets and the list goes on to infinity. In the process, we forget to...

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Quote Cáfe-Connect

Quote Cáfe Good morning world, Opening up to my emails/social media messages early morning is like digging through a treasure box flooded with notes from folks I have never met or even spoken to. It gives me an immense sense of satisfaction that I am treading on a path where...

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The Kenshō Moment- A Glimpse Of The Mystic You

I have always been drawn to Buddhism’s principles. I had read about Kensho and Satori a while back, never understood what they really meant, until I dug myself deep into researching the true meaning of them. In simple words- It’s the Zen tradition which emphasizes Buddha nature, representing the mystical...

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Balance- #deflectingthependulum

“Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.” – Robert Fulgham WHAT TRIGGERED ME My friend once asked me, ” why are you always dangling like a pendulum”? That...

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Quote Cáfe #Your Worth

Your Worth! Good morning world, Wishing you all a very Happy 2021. Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay healthy. I hope 2020 was WORTH it to some extent to your well being. Do not let it slip away in the midst of the clutter and commotion around you. Keep your RESET...

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Learn from the Wise- Louise Lynn Hay

Why do we need POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS? We all know Louise Lynn Hay, the American motivational author and the founder of Hay House. She authored several New Thought self-help books, including the 1984 book You Can Heal Your Life. Louise was a strong believer in daily positive affirmations. Through Louise’s healing techniques and positive...

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Quote Cáfe #Iamhereyouarehere

Quote Cáfe #Iamhere-youarehere We all are living in times of uncertainty, where skepticism and unpredictability have taken over our lives. I reminisce the days when we were so simple-minded and ingenuous. Were we ignorant or naive? Neither of those, we were just transparent and an incomplex breed of souls, happy...

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Quote Cáfe #belong

#bekind #beempathetic #justbeagoodhuman Have a great Monday you’ll… NaMāste #theboldwithinme Love, peace & blessings

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Forgive, Let It Go- Period!

We all talk about forgiveness. We all preach about forgiveness. We all share our experiences about forgiveness. I forgive him. I forgive her. I have no salty feelings. I have moved on. The madness goes on and on to infinity. Do we really know what it means to forgive genuinely...

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The Long Wait & Mira Revived Back

Mira was barely 16. Excited about life. She had dreams. She was vulnerable. She was impressionable. A life-changing incident. She waited long enough that taught her the power of forgiveness and standing up for herself. Mira, a young, bubbly teenager with a big dimpled infectious smile, was a happy child....

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12.01 am thoughts- Symphony of the Soul

Introducing 12.01 am thoughts. As my head touches the pillow before I close my eyes, my thoughts kick in with full speed. I visualize my entire day and replay any scenario that may have had a profound impact on me. I try to self-reflect and will admit that my brain...

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Why ask the why?

Everything happens for a reason. Every situation is created for a specific reason. Every experience is a teacher, a guide, and steers us in the right direction. We may not understand the WHY, but it is has taught me to live in the moment. Someday it will all make perfect...

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The world can wait

We run around. We chase people. We crave materialistic things. What happens in that process? We lose ourselves.   I was in the same boat for some time until I realized how important it was to focus on my inner self. If you want to chase anything, take a flight...

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Am I Boring?

I am not where I used to be. I am away from the buzz. I am away from the commotion. I am away from the cacophonic chatter. I am away from the tumultuous emotions. I am away from the hurricane of my thoughts. So, where am I? Growing within myself....

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Finally, I am learning to love my self!

NaMāste, I wanted validation. I wanted acceptance. I wanted a stamp of approval. Ironically, I needed to understand that SELF is a peaceful revolution within me to uplift myself. At the top of my career, a happy family life, somewhat materialistically driven with both feet heavily dipped in the social...

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I am here – You are here

In this fast-paced world, where our lives are constantly under a fine microscope, if you have that one soul, hold on tight to them… That one breath. That one loving touch. That one uplifting word. Hold on to that one angelic soul. Hold on to that one guiding spirit. Hold...

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Quote Cáfe #myheartknowsitall

Our heart knows it all…an untouched and natural silhouette of love, empathy, and passion. Follow the guiding light, it will always steer you in the right direction. Connect with the deepest ocean of SELF. Stand tall, tower up, and put yourself on the highest pedestal of grit and poise. ***Never...

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Quote Cáfe #vegangalore

Quote Cáfe #vegangalore I have not tasted cakes, pastries, muffins, and dessert platters in years when served in fancy cafes, events, or even at home. My luck, as I am a pure vegetarian, so no eggs in my stomach. However, the tables turned upside down during our Mendocino trip last...

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Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane

Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane Dr. Chugh, “your patient is ready to be seen.” I go inside the room and greet Mr. Tran. “How are you doing, Mr. Tran? What brings you to the office? Well, it’s just a routine check-up, doctor, trying to monitor a few pathological findings in my eyes.”...

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our heart, an ocean of love our heart, an ocean of grace our heart, an ocean of wisdom our heart, an ocean of empathy our heart, an ocean of benevolence our heart, an ocean of empowerment our heart, an ocean of transcendence our heart, an ocean of zeal and warmth...

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…and off she goes

…and off she goes Our baby girl is born, and heaps of congratulations messages start rolling over. How exciting, we have a baby girl. We create the most amazing memories as parents with her. From diapers, singing lullabies, potty training, preschool to high school, managing hormonal mood swings, shopping for...

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We dilly-dally. We procrastinate. We meander aimlessly. We stroll along on loopy trails. We swerve around in incomplete circles. We wander away in flight mode with no directions. …then we say that life is short, we know that, but keep waiting for the perfect time. The perfect time is now....

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#365 days to come

…365 days of 2021 are coming to an end. …365 days ahead of us. Let’s allow love, acceptance, tolerance, peace, and harmony to make their way through 2022. Let’s make our lives vibrant and colorful. You are a prismatic soul, one of a kind, a rare masterpiece. The world needs...

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***Be affectionately detached from all. What does this quote essentially mean? I have been asked this question over and over again. …This has been my mantra for a few years now, however, I reinforce it at the beginning of every new year. ***Sharing in a few lines what it means...

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My 104 Year Old Patient- His Pearls of Wisdom

The adage “ wisdom comes with age ” definitely holds to its words. My 104-year-old, happy-go-lucky patient, Mr. XYZ, filled my ears, brain, and heart with these seven precious nuggets for life. The twenty-minute eye examination turned out to be the most enriching experience, leaving me with immense gratitude, profound...

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Have you felt bound in love? Have you felt conditioned in love? I felt that way in some friendships. Stiffly entangled and oddly enslaved. And, Wondered why love has to be a captive emotion. Love… No possessions. No shackles. No bonds. No competition. No race. Love is liberating. A closed...

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Praying For Peace

—Praying for PEACE! …we all are living in times of uncertainty where skepticism and unpredictability have taken over our lives i reminisce about the days when we were so simple-minded and ingenuous were we ignorant or naive neither of those we were just transparent and an incomplex breed of souls happy...

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Boston Nostalgia

——Boston, I owe a HUGE chunk of my life to you…thank you is not enough:)) …change, balance, reflection, introspection, and letting go of all holding me back. …embracing the universe with coffee, silent whispers with the garland of autumn leaves—yellow, gold, red, and orange, harmonizing each hue and etching calmness...

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