Dear all,
*** No sermons but merely sharing what steps I took/ taking to be a happier ME! If my experiences can help someone, I will be very comforted and be in a gratifying space in life.
We all have invested tons of hours, loads of money, blood, and sweat in our so-called education. At the pinnacle of our careers, degrees in our hands, making the right amount of money, big homes, luxurious cars, exotic vacations, both feet heavily dipped in the social arena, living in a world full of whims, and ironically thinking we are very content in life. Are we? I was in a very happy zone, intoxicated with all the bliss, and glee, at least I imagined that way! I thought I was accepted by all but still got into situations where I messed up and could never understand where and what went wrong. Was I rude or choleric? Was I too blunt or contentious? Did I sound too boorish? Did I step on someone’s toes? It just never made any sense to me somehow. I thought I was right, and you see, that’s where I was majorly wrong!
My husband always told me, in fact, I hear that comment to date, Monika I wish you had worked in a corporate setting! Why would he say that? I always questioned him, why do you think I should have? Simple answer, because the world can be ruthless and unforgiving, you would learn how to deal with people, their issues, their sensitivities, and how to be a problem solver. Now that was a big smack to my so-called ego! I thought I knew it all; obviously, I was living in a myth. When we are subject to an environment with conflicting personalities and a different mindset, it is imperative that we gauge into our inner self, introspect, and analyze where we went wrong.
Now, why were we never taught these communication skills in school or college? Only academics, no life skills, no conflict management, and the list never ends.
Why do schools and colleges not offer any personal growth courses? Is memorizing context, flying high with good grades, being on a top-notch position at work, being the CEO of your own company enough to sustain the tug of war on a daily basis? Have we ever been taught how to be empathetic, be a good listener, communicate positively, express indubitably, and develop interpersonal skills?
I wish I were taught all the play hard techniques to deal with people, resolve collusive situations, and still feel good about myself. We all have a core personality, but some traits have to be learned no matter what. Since that was not an essential part of the growing cognitive years, I decided to take the plunge, take a nose-dive into personal growth, learn, unlearn, and disregard the old binding limiting beliefs.
I knew it was time for me to make some transformative changes, re-route my tracks, and take full charge of my lane. As the CEO of Mind Valley, Vishen Lakhiani says, we are from deeply stuck with Brules- bulls***rules. They control us, and often we are apprehensive about moving beyond the realms of the confining judgments for ourselves.
I wanted to nurture myself, bring out the best in me and others.
I just wanted to grow, PERIOD!
I felt my soul was desperate for some harsh cleansing reminding me to sprout from my old shaggy self. I was hungry for the know-how of self-improvement, to sharpen my mindset physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. That’s when I doused myself into taking motivational classes, listening to top prodigious life coaches, reading books, and taking online programs. I immersed myself into the ocean of know-how, submerged in the depth of knowledge, and that quest is still on.
Best decision ever! See oneself mature, boost one’s thoughts, and come out of the closed-shell is unquestionably an incredible feeling.
Work on your inner sanctum, your holy shrine, it is the most priceless gift you can offer to yourself—spring into attaining knowledge of you, yes YOU, and others.
Please get to know your strengths and weaknesses, how to improve upon them, when, and where to implement them. Break yourself away from the unproductive cyclic events deep-rooted in your sub-conscience mind. Always remember that growth is an extremely tiring, taxing, and a very demanding process. Commit to a better version, and you will only do yourself a whale of favor and, in the process, will be a proud ME!
Remember, invest in yourself, the world can WAIT! Chase yourself hard, leading to personal growth!
Finally, in the end, I realized,
‘ I do not want to waste my words on tired minds. I can only talk to those who are thirsty for the sea ‘- Rumi
Yes, the tired and thirsty mind was mine!
Love, peace, and blessings!