Finally, I am learning to love my self!


I wanted validation. I wanted acceptance. I wanted a stamp of approval. Ironically, I needed to understand that SELF is a peaceful revolution within me to uplift myself.

At the top of my career, a happy family life, somewhat materialistically driven with both feet heavily dipped in the social arena, living in a world full of whims, I was content in life. I was in a happy zone, intoxicated with bliss; at least, I imagined that way; however, something was missing.

I knew it was time for me to make some transformative changes and re-route my tracks.

I wanted to nurture myself, bring out the best in me and others.
I just wanted to grow, PERIOD!

I was hungry for self-improvement and plugged myself into sharpening my mindset physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. That’s when I doused myself into taking motivational classes, listening to top life coaches, reading books, and taking online programs. I immersed myself into the ocean of know-how, submerged in the depth of knowledge, and that quest is still on.

I had to learn the tough and tricky art of self-love.

As they say, when you cannot find any ray of sunshine, find your glow and radiate brightly. I nurtured my writing skills and decided to share my life experiences with the world.

Practicing self-care is not a selfish act, rather a replenishing act towards oneself. Sleep, talk, hike, do yoga, dance, create music, write, cook, paint, meditate, have a cup of coffee, eat your Cheetos, shop, grow your garden, do DIY projects, just do something, do whatever ignites your inner flame and nourishes your inner core.

Embrace your weirdness.
Embrace your inadequacies.
Embrace your imperfections.

Roll out the red carpet for your heels.
Drink the sweet nectar of self-appreciation.
If you want to chase anything, take a flight with yourself.

***Always remember your thoughts are your best teachers- acknowledge them as they come along. We spend most of our life cultivating an inner bully, an internal ruckus creating an unconscious reflex to put ourselves down for every minor thing, no matter how irrational it is. Now, is that fair?

If you love yourself, you will make healthy choices, which automatically help you hold yourself in the highest regard.

Self-love leads to self-care, which is a necessity and not a luxury as some may consider it. Shift your gaze from being a perfectionist to someone human with flaws and a ton of self-compassion.

I have understood that SELF is not about being narcissistic or wrapped around oneself instead it is holding one in high self-esteem.

I am learning to surrender to the moment and be JUST ME!

Remember to take good care of yourself; the world can wait.

Keep the good karma flowing.

Love, peace & blessings!

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