#365 days to come

#365 days to come

…365 days of 2021 are coming to an end. …365 days ahead of us. Let’s allow love, acceptance, tolerance, peace, and harmony to make their way through 2022. Let’s make our lives vibrant and colorful. You are a prismatic soul, one of a kind, a rare...


We dilly-dally. We procrastinate. We meander aimlessly. We stroll along on loopy trails. We swerve around in incomplete circles. We wander away in flight mode with no directions. …then we say that life is short, we know that, but keep waiting for the perfect...
…and off she goes

…and off she goes

…and off she goes Our baby girl is born, and heaps of congratulations messages start rolling over. How exciting, we have a baby girl. We create the most amazing memories as parents with her. From diapers, singing lullabies, potty training, preschool to high school,...


our heart, an ocean of loveour heart, an ocean of graceour heart, an ocean of wisdomour heart, an ocean of empathyour heart, an ocean of benevolenceour heart, an ocean of empowermentour heart, an ocean of transcendence our heart, an ocean of zeal and warmthwith the...
Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane

Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane

Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane Dr. Chugh, “your patient is ready to be seen.” I go inside the room and greet Mr. Tran. “How are you doing, Mr. Tran? What brings you to the office? Well, it’s just a routine check-up, doctor, trying to monitor a few...
Quote Cáfe #vegangalore

Quote Cáfe #vegangalore

Quote Cáfe #vegangalore I have not tasted cakes, pastries, muffins, and dessert platters in years when served in fancy cafes, events, or even at home. My luck, as I am a pure vegetarian, so no eggs in my stomach. However, the tables turned upside down during our...