When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere- Emmanuel Dalgher

As a child, I believed in supernatural wonders and still do to date. Quote Café is a marvel for me, and this saga would only be complete by mentioning a few significant folks in my life.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, Dr. Yudhi Ahuja, and Prabha Ahuja, who instilled the value of hard work, humility, and optimism towards life from childhood.

Thank you, Yogi; my husband, Rishiv, and Shivina; my two children. They are my catalysts and motivation factories.

Thank you, parents-in-law, Amrit and Krishna Chugh, who have taught me compassion and selfless love for others.

Thank you, Alka, Sumeet, Sameera, my siblings, confidantes, and therapists in need.

Thank you, extended family, in India and the USA, and all my wonderful friends who have watched me closely grow in the last few years.

You know who you are.

I love my readers, who stuck with me throughout my roller coaster rides. Sharing my story and heartfelt thoughts has been a challenging exercise, but I kept going strong with the gentle nudges.

I owe you all big time.

Above all, I am grateful to the almighty who has gifted me the power to write, express transparently and try to reach out to the masses.

* Special mention to my older sister Alka Chopra, who has been my guide, mentor, and 24-hour tech support in creating this book.

Thank you is not enough.

I am imperfect, have flaws and shortcomings, but with all the love and affection, I try to introspect and keep moving on. I strive to keep my writing journey moving forward with complete faith in myself, a guiding force from all of you, with a promise to never look back.


Love, peace & blessings!

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