12.01 am thoughts- Symphony of the Soul

12.01 am thoughts- Symphony of the Soul

Introducing 12.01 am thoughts. As my head touches the pillow before I close my eyes, my thoughts kick in with full speed. I visualize my entire day and replay any scenario that may have had a profound impact on me. I try to self-reflect and will admit that my brain...
The Long Wait & Mira Revived Back

The Long Wait & Mira Revived Back

The Long Wait & Mira Revived BackFacebook Comments Mira was barely 16. Excited about life. She had dreams. She was vulnerable. She was impressionable. A life-changing incident. She waited long enough that taught her the power of forgiveness and standing up for...
Forgive, Let It Go- Period!

Forgive, Let It Go- Period!

Forgive, Let It Go- Period!Facebook Comments We all talk about forgiveness. We all preach about forgiveness. We all share our experiences about forgiveness. I forgive him. I forgive her. I have no salty feelings. I have moved on. The madness goes on and on to...
Quote Cáfe #belong

Quote Cáfe #belong

Quote Cáfe #belong #bekind #beempathetic #justbeagoodhuman Have a great Monday you’ll… NaMāste #theboldwithinme Love, peace & blessings Despite all, I am still here- Stronger yet surrendered to the universe! 0 Comments Facebook...
Quote Cáfe #Iamhereyouarehere

Quote Cáfe #Iamhereyouarehere

Quote Cáfe #Iamhere-youarehere We all are living in times of uncertainty, where skepticism and unpredictability have taken over our lives. I reminisce the days when we were so simple-minded and ingenuous. Were we ignorant or naive? Neither of those, we were just...
Learn from the Wise- Louise Lynn Hay

Learn from the Wise- Louise Lynn Hay

…learning…learning…learning We know only so much, so why not absorb some more from the wise. ANY AGE- DOESN’T MATTER! Do read and grab some pearls of wisdom.    Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who...