Love, the most used word, rather is the most misused word nowadays!
I wonder if love is an exchange of energy, transfer of vibrations, investing in emotions, or just a mere word that we have scripted in our sub-conscience dictionary. An emotion that has intense depth in it but has lost its true essence, a word that is glorified beyond measure but the authentic aroma is nowhere to be found. What happened after all? Where and why did love disappear in thin air? Why did it fizzle away, and peter out without leaving any trace? Maybe we all need to self reflect and unveil our deeper layers to get to the root for the reason of the depletion.
The most strong emotion, the most captivating feeling, the most tenacious bond lies within the core of us and we still hunt for it all over.
The quest is never-ending, the mirage is glowing but we return empty-handed.
Think about it!
Love, peace, and blessings!