Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane

Quote Cáfe #downmemorylane

Dr. Chugh, “your patient is ready to be seen.”
I go inside the room and greet Mr. Tran.
“How are you doing, Mr. Tran? What brings you to the office? Well, it’s just a routine check-up, doctor, trying to monitor a few pathological findings in my eyes.”
I started reviewing the bulky chart; the pages were brown-yellow, with a stock full of diagnoses.
“How long have you been coming to this office, Mr. Tran? Doctor, I have been coming since 1994; it’s been a while.”
I turned the pages all the way back to his first visit in July 1994. I had an archive of notes, with black handwriting on the dull, coarse pages, in my hand. It was as though I was trying to revive history.
***First visit: July 10th, 1994, the final diagnosis was signed by the primary doctor; however, the handwriting of the notes caught my attention. It was precise and immaculate penmanship all over the chart. I was startled for a few seconds, as it was my writing, and it took me down memory lane when I was a back office assistant.
My responsibilities at that time were primarily pretesting the patient and making sure the charts were complete. I will never forget how I started with an hourly wage in my first job in this clinic when I landed in the USA twenty-seven years back.
I moved to Boston in 1995 for three years for my schooling and landed back in California with a diploma in my hand.
After two decades, I had my white coat, my name tag and examined the same patient as a medical professional in the same clinic which I had left to attain my goals.
What a moment!
Before leaving, Mr. Tran said a few simple words. “I am so proud of you, Monika; no, I mean Dr. Chugh, you will always be my doctor from now on. Thank you for taking good care of me.”
It made me joyous.
It made me emotional.
It was a heartwarming moment.
I was always ambitious and had lofty goals. I wanted to serve the community and be a source of happiness to others.
Being a doctor has humbled me to a large extent. It has taught me the subtle art of balancing between human emotions and applying science at the same time to heal people.
No one is big or small; we all are the same, as created by the supreme power.
***What did I Learn:
Never give up on your dreams.
Life will never be easy; however, we need to be strong enough to break the walls, soften the friction and keep moving forward.
Success is hard-earned, and when you achieve that, do not forget where you came from.
Be thankful.
***My most favorite part:
Listening to my patients and their experiences.
Remember, we all have a story to share.
Life and the universe are always fair, be patient.
One step, two steps, three steps, infinite steps, and the end is triumphant.
Love, peace & blessings

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