Mind-Our Biggest Tool

Positive Mental Attitude, I am sure you all have heard of these three words bundled up together. As the name suggests, it implies we all should always be positive, optimistic with buoyant spirits, and try to find the best in every situation.

Kind of tough at times but what I realized is that our cognitive power is sitting very comfortably couched in our upper chamber, our brain where we have a chain of thoughts constantly in action. It’s screaming on top of its voice, please help me! I do not want to be held captive here with gloomy and jaundiced emotions. I need to get out of this hell hole. I need help, please help me!

As they say, when you cannot find any ray of sunshine, find your own glow and radiate brightly! It is all a cascade of mixed thoughts originating from our mind leading to energy ( positive or negative ) and being put into final action. Our body invariably achieves what our mind thinks, perceives, and believes in.

Will admit that like any normal human being I have felt lonely, down to the dumps, bawled my eyes out, was rejected, and often times judged. Mistakes happen, we all are subject to err, it’s okay to goof up, no one is perfect after all. I was miserable, I got into the self-pity moods, oftentimes in the I am the victim mode and blamed the entire world for all the crazy stuff happening around me. However, I soon realized that if I don’t take charge of my fluttering thoughts, no one will, I will be crestfallen, gloomy, and will be walking around like a wretched woman. Who in their right senses would like to associate with someone so cynical? I found solace in praying, listening to a multitude of spiritual discourses and associating with like-minded folks.

My intuitive side drew me towards a lot of reading, especially being a part of positive reinforcement groups. Internet and social media are flooded with information, I chose to stick with the motivational posts, read tons about people and their turbulent lives. If they can rise above all adversities, why can’t I? This bothered me day and night, but I kept feeding my brain with gripping and stimulating posts from books, Facebook, Instagram and other internet sites. It is incredible how we can train our mind to become a powerful positive engine whose energy may have been on the depletion path at one time.

“Read a positive message on social media. Before sharing with others, share it with yourself. What is it’s relevance in MY life? How will I implement this today? Introspect on it and then share it with others. Your message will carry with it a vibration of conviction, which will empower THEM to implement”. This quote by BK Shivani triggered my gray cells and ignited the spark in me to create a platform where we as a community can share our experiences, our pitfalls, what inspired us to take a U-turn, and completely transform our entity!

Being a doctor is definitely gratifying but I believe compassion and tenderness are two main attributes that are essential for any healthy relationship! If I can heal someone somewhere on this planet with my writing I would consider myself one blessed soul!


Do share your favorite quote, any life-changing incident and any important message to the world out there. You could be the fortunate one who could touch someone’s life and be their guiding light!

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