Quote Cáfe #Iamhereyouarehere

Quote Cáfe #Iamhere-youarehere

We all are living in times of uncertainty, where skepticism and unpredictability have taken over our lives.
I reminisce the days when we were so simple-minded and ingenuous. Were we ignorant or naive? Neither of those, we were just transparent and an incomplex breed of souls, happy together with respect for each other’s values.
Over some time, I have learned to embrace the unknown.
I have understood the power of connection to the self.
I have understood that life is like a game of dice.
Anytime you are lost or fall between the cracks, look up, and you will find the vast sky above. Retrace your footsteps that will lead you straight to your heart- your haven.
Give yourself a hug.
Snuggle with hope.
Nestle your mind.
We all are in this TOGETHER!
Love, peace & blessings

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