A Quiet Zone With Affirmations
A Quiet Zone With Affirmations is my collection of affirmations that helped shape me where I am today. I found my voice in my new space—my journals where I started creating my positive affirmations, and my words echoed back just as I advised my patients, "take care of yourself; the world can wait."
Our words to.......

Quote Cafè - Thoughts In a Cup
What is Quote Cafè- Thoughts in a Cup?
Life throws us surprise curve balls.
We all go through the stings and spasms to escape the nerve-wracking circle.
No exception; my life took a 360-degree turn with two major life-changing incidents. I was an emotionally shaken wreck with physical wounds....

Rebirth - The Phoenix Rising
The phoenix is the symbol of renewal and rebirth. As one life ends, a nest is built, the old phoenix sets fire to itself, and a new one emerges from the ashes.
Rebirth and renewal are never easy, as the stories of these brave women will testify. Each shares a story of a fragmented and fractured life. To feel safe and secure often means stepping through layers of darkness and fragments of yourself to find the light and a way back to who you truly are....
New Release
Quote Cafe