Rebirth - The Phoenix Rising

The phoenix is the symbol of renewal and rebirth. As one life ends, a nest is built, the old phoenix sets fire to itself, and a new one emerges from the ashes. Rebirth and renewal are never easy, as the stories of these brave women will testify. Each shares a story of a fragmented and fractured life. To feel safe and secure often means stepping through layers of darkness and fragments of yourself to find the light and a way back to who you truly are.
Letting go of fear, shame, guilt, and anger asks that you allow yourself to connect with the emotions you have suppressed and acknowledge them. It also asks that you grieve the old you, learn to love yourself, reclaim your self-worth, speak your truth, and allow the old illusions to dissolve.
Taking charge of your inner healing as our writers have done is life-changing. We hope that these stories inspire you to know what is possible with your heal

  • How trauma, old wounds, and deep emotional scars do not define you
  • How to find purpose, meaning and hope in your story
  • How to rebirth, reclaim and step into the authenticity of who you truly are
  • How to step into a new stronger, resilient wiser you igniting and rising from the ashes and into your power
  • Eight proven, time tested personal development exercises that you can do straight away to change your lif
If we want to heal, our words matter – Dale Darley

Praise for Rebirth - The Phoenix Rising

From the book, “No judgement. No fixing, only endless love, and respect amidst my emotional mayhem.” These words hold deep meaning for me, we all are the hardest judge of ourselves and also our biggest supporters, Dr Monika’s narration of her perspective gives us a lot to think about. No matter how terrible or hurtful an experience is, we always have a choice; to choose strength and resilience and not be judged or defined by anyone. I believe reading and sharing such insights gives all of us strength and stability. Beautifully written book with lots of depth and heartfelt meaning
A must-read, motivational story from strong, powerful diverse women who didn’t give up. They fell, they got up and they started all over again…truly like a phoenix rising !!! Many a times in our lives we go through phases where we ask over and over again ‘ Why Me’?, this is when such true stories resonate with you and you understand that this happens to a lot of us and you are not alone, this is when you get inspired by women like Dr Monika Chugh, Dale Darley, Wendy Kier and other amazing authors of this book to realize that you can do it too and it’s time for your Rebirth.
Dr. Monika Chug’s Silent Soul talks about Life Experiences, Acceptance, Self-Love, True Happiness and much more…a must-buy