Quote Cafe - Thoughts In a Cup

…What is Quote Cafè- Thoughts in a Cup? Life throws us surprise curve balls. We all go through the stings and spasms to escape the nerve-wracking circle.
No exception; my life took a 360-degree turn with two major life-changing incidents. I was an emotionally shaken wreck with physical wounds. It made me question many things about my identity. I was miserable, merged into self-pity and victim moods, and blamed the world for the misgivings. Many things were beyond my comprehension as I could not understand the reason and logic behind them. It made no sense to me; I thought they were baseless; however, they taught me one fundamental thing, never to ignore one’s gut and thoughts. I soon realized that I needed to change the course of my wavering thoughts. I had to find the felix culpa in all the mistakes, even if they were learning points.
01/18/2018, 11:16 pm, I was mentally disturbed with churning thoughts. The moonlight peeping through the window gently caressed my solemn face. I was enveloped with unstoppable tears and a lump in my throat. I picked up my pen and paper; thoughts became words, words became sentences, and sentences became paragraphs. I poured my heart out on the blank canvas flowing with the moment.
That was when Quote Café was born. I decided to be bold and share my story with the world, weaved with a blend of affirmations and short poems. Quote café is my sanctuary to express, emote, and write. Writing has taught me the power of silence, self-love, forgiveness, and letting go to heal at a deeper level. Every human has a story to share from their galaxy of vast experiences. Will you be brave enough to share it with the world?
Quote Café~my sanctuary to express, emote, and write a story weaved with affirmations and poems.
My mission: Heal someone somewhere on this planet with the magic of my words.
My mantra: Be affectionately detached to all.
My hashtag: #theboldwithinme
My tagline: Life is simple; why complicate it?
My happy pill: Coffee with my thoughts.
Keep the good karma flowing.
Love, peace & blessings.

Praise for Quote Cafe - Thoughts In a Cup

I loved how the author shared her thoughts so openly and fearlessly to create a powerful connection with the readers. The book serves as a gentle reminder that pain, though inevitable, need not define us. Instead, it can become the catalyst for growth & transformation. In “Quote Cafe – The Silent Soul”, the author delicately explores the profound human experiences of loneliness, pain, and betrayal, and how these experiences can serve as stepping stones toward personal growth and self-discovery. It challenges readers to embrace their vulnerabilities, confront their pain, and embark on the transformative journey toward self-acceptance and inner peace
I love the way the cover feels and the beautiful art on it. Grab a warm cup of coffee or tea and a blanket and enjoy a fun and inspiring read